Monthly Archives: January 2011

with Black History month starting 2moro

with Black History month starting 2moro thought you might enjoy this (especially good for teachers & students.)

My perfect day

This blog post is the continuation of the step 3 post last week. I told you I would write out my perfect day and share it with you. I want to make sure you understand that I am doing everything I am asking you to do. I also want you to get to know me as we go through this CREATE YOUR PERFECT LIFESTYLE journey.

In step 3 I told you to write your perfect work day and off day. The truth is for me if there is work to be done I don’t want an off day. The way I want my work day to go kind of blends what I would do on an off day into what I do on a work day. If I must take an off day it will be a vacation and I will describe a vacation day for me a little later. Those days may come once or twice a month and they will be fun in the sun doing all kid of adventurous things with my man and my children if I have them.  (obviously I am a workaholic.) My work really makes me happy so I prefer not to take off. My lifestyle will be my work as I create my perfect lifestyle.

Right now this is what I believe my perfect work day would look like: I would awaken early in the morning and work out with my man in our gym. (either we own it or it’s in our home) After our workout I will pick out our clothes and make us breakfast.

After I kiss him off to do his work (even if he is working from home I am giving him space to be creative and powerful) I will get dressed in a walk-in closet full of dresses, suits and shoes designed by me and my friends. Then I will go to my office and write and read until my phone rings. When the hotline rings I will give advice and encouragement to whoever is on the line. I will let the Universe control who I talk to. I will just pick up the phone and listening. My office has great sunlight because sunlight helps keep me energized. I also have a beautiful view. (either of my backyard or the skyline) I plan to have 2 speaking engagements per month so if this is a day that I am speaking I may have a different morning. I may have to get on my plane and go to where ever I am speaking.

No matter where I am I will send my man playful texts during the day. If we are in the same city I will ask him if I can bring him lunch where ever he is. If he says yes I will begin cooking and if he says no I will continue to write, read and advise. Then I may go to lunch with one of my friends/business partners at one of our restaraunts or they can come to my place and I will cook. (I plan to have a full kitchen in my office so I can cook.)

After lunch I will have a meeting about one of my businesses. I will make a few phone calls and check in with my business partners. My dream is not to own my own company. My dream is to partner with people who want to own their own companies and make sure they have the tools they need and the clients they need to be successful.

Next, I will go to a class. I will always involve myself in learning something. It may be something academic or it could be sports related. Either way it will be fun and rewarding and I will meet new people while I am doing it. If I have time before dinner I will check on my finances. This will be the time to look at bank accounts, bill payments, investments and savings. If not I will do it after dinner. If there are any decisions I need to make I will schedule the time to make them or discuss them with my man.

For dinner either I cook, we hire a chef to come in or we go out to one of our friends or partners restaurants. We will talk about our day. If needed we will advise each other or we will just listen. After dinner if work is not down we will continue our work days. I will take more hotline calls and give more encouragement. Then I will go to my theater and watch a movie. After the movie it is time for bed and when my man gets there it is time for whatever he wants. 

If you are wondering were the kids are that’s a good question. In my perfect life that is a decision I will make with my man. If we decide to have children they are in boarding school. I will home school them for the first 7 years of their lives and then I will send them to a serious academic boarding school where they can learn all that life has to teach them. On the weekends we pick them up and fly somewhere in our private jet and they go to work with us or we do fun, exciting adventures that teach them what else life has to offer. Mommy and Daddy will show them what it is like to be in a healthy, happy relationship. We won’t be needy and clingy but we will miss each other when we are away and we will make the most of our time together. We will all as a family make each other feel special. 

This is as close as I can get to my perfect day. It may change as I live but right now this is what I think would make me especially happy and comfortable. My goal is to have my whole life comped so I don’t have to work or worry about money. That is why I will partner with business owners and as their partner I will be able to enjoy the product. All I want to think about is being there when someone needs me. I want to be able to answer my hotline and give advice, instruction and encouragement.

My goal is to focus on my love for life and let that love generate all the money I can utilize to encourage, enlighten and entertain myself and other people.

I look forward to hearing about how you plan to enjoy your life. Keep working and CREATE YOUR PERFECT LIFESTYLE. I am here with you.

I have a driver and pilot that take me everywhere I want to go safely.
This is one of my favorite pictures. My friend said I look like Hampton Barbie. If I have to drive I have to love my car and look good in it.


Ask to receive – “Create Your Perfect Lifestyle”

We are half way there. This is step 6 and today we discover that you have to ask to receive. This is a hard one for me. I am not the best at asking and delegating but when I do I find it makes life better. I am often afraid that people will let me down or say no. That is way I sometimes try to handle everything. This is not the way to live. You are not an island and admit it, there are people who are better at some things than you are. We just did our list of strengths and weaknesses a few days ago. During this exercise you probably discovered the things that stress you, make you wanna holla and throw up both your hands.

Your job today is to make a list of your needs. What do you think are your biggest challenges? What is holding you back? What tasks could you pass off to someone else? You can use your list of weaknesses to help you with this list of needs. If you know you are bad at returning phone calls then put down on your list that you NEED someone to return phone calls for you. If you know that you are bad at making sure you eat properly. Then put down on your list that you need a dietician or at least a system to help you choice healthier choices. What you are doing is strengthening your weaknesses by delegating. EVERYTHING THAT HAS TO GET DONE DOES NOT HAVE TO GET DONE BY YOU. I learned this a few years ago and I teach it to my clients to help make their lives easier.

Make a list of your resources. Who do you have around you that can help you with your challenges? Who can you meet or get to know that can help you? What systems or programs can you utilize to reduce or eliminate your challenges. This step is all about making your life easier, asking for help, delegating and utilizing your resources. It is important that you practice giving and receiving. A friend of mine taught me that you should always have a working list of needs so that if anyone ever asks you “how can I help you”, you can answer them quickly and efficiently.

 The title of this blog is: Ask to receive. That is because it is not always enough time to wait for someone to ask you if you need help or to tell people your needs and hope that they catch the hint and help. Sometimes you will have to actually ask for the help. Do not be afraid of being turned down or disappointed.

As you go through your list of needs write down next to each need how you can fulfill the need. You may have some things in your life that can help fill the need. If not,  you may have to work to find the tools, people or resource to assist you.

This is an important step as you CREATE YOUR PERFECT LIFESTYLE because this is the step that will determine if you will be able to keep going. The things that are difficult for you to do will slow you down and tire you out. If you have to do them all yourself you may not have the wherewithal to make it to your goals without some help. I am a fan of help. It doesn’t mean you are not capable. It means you were smart enough to know how to enjoy your work and your lifestyle.

Get your list going and start delegating. I know you will enjoy the process more. Make it easy on yourself. Struggle is over rated. Email me and let me know how it is going.

P.S. Next blog is a conversation with author Mo Stegall where we talk about his lifestyle before, during and after writting his book “Against All Odds I Can Be“.

Strengths & Weaknesses – “Create Your Perfect Lifestyle” (Step 5 of 12)

When determining your perfect lifestyle and how to get there it is important to determine your strengths and weaknesses. It is my belief that using your strengths to get something done is the most time and cost-effective way to live. Only use your weakness when there is no other way. Do you know your strengths and weaknesses? Knowing them and utilizing them properly will help you save time and money while you CREATE YOUR PERFECT LIFESTYLE. Most people have some idea of what their strengths and weaknesses are but my not want to admit it. Some people are disillusioned and don’t want to face the truth about being weak but doing so will save you heartache later. It is not a pretty word and it is not comforting but it is what it is, so admit it.

Right now your job for step 5 is to write a list of your strengths and weaknesses. What are you “drop dead” at? You know what I mean by “drop dead”? You have heard of drop dead gorgeous right? Well some people are drop dead creative or drop dead smart or drop dead thoughtful. What are your strengths? What are you good at that not many other people are? Start with the top and work your way down. Write as many as you can think of. There are things that you can do with ease. These are your true strengths. There are also things that you can do just as well as others. These are simple strengths. I consider strengths the things you do not need much help with. Are you organized, fast, resourceful, healthy, patient or a quick thinker?

Now that you have given some thought to the first part search your soul for your weaknesses. What are your true weaknesses? What things are you just totally awful at? What are some things that you need help with? What do you do that you wish someone else could just do because you know they would do it faster, better or easier? Write down the things that do not come easy to you. Your simple weaknesses are the things that you can do if you have to but you would much rather pass them off. Are you unorganized, colorblind, unhealthy or do you over-spend?

There are going to be things that we are not so good at and it’s okay if we admit that to ourselves. This way you can make it better. Again, I believe that you should utilize your strengths to get closer to your goals and hire someone to fill in where you are weak. If you do not have the money to hire someone make sure you are putting systems in place that will help strengthen your weaknesses.

For example: If you know that you are always late then set your clocks a little fast so that you leave early thus getting you there on time. The trick is to not let yourself turn the time back mentally. You have to believe it’s the right time if you want the trick to work. Another example: If you are forgetful and you tend to miss appointments make sure you write down every appointment. Also have a reminder alarm set or be sure to check your calendar everyday.

The exercise is not to get you down but designed to help you be realistic. You can write one list at a time or work on both of them at the same time. Whatever makes you feel better. I always want to let you know that I practice what I preach or that I have done what I am asking you to do so here are a few of my strengths and weaknesses.

Strengths: helpful, common sense, book smart, good listener, organized, athletic, great hair, lucky, good instincts

Weaknesses: Obsessive, ADD, a know it all, always hungry, risky, nice, poor speller, likes to be comfortable at all times

Both list are longer but I just wanted to give you a taste so that you could see that I am honest with myself and you could get to know me a little better. Make sure you make a list of your strengths and weaknesses so that you are familiar with them. My suggestion is to find ways to lean on your strengths and find things that eliminate your weaknesses. I do not see a reason to work hard on things that are not going to change so do not worry about trying to change your weaknesses if they are just a part of who you are. Spend more time on finding ways to CREATE YOUR PERFECT LIFESTYLE.

You can call it lazy or you can call it smart. It doesn’t matter to me because when you reach your perfect lifestyle most people are going to call you happy and that’s what is important, being happy. I always like to know how you are doing so feel free to email me with your updates.

Kine' Corder & Artist Timothy Hedden. He stopped me in the airport and asked me to take a picture with him and his Majesty Angle painting for the newspaper. Crazy stuff like that happens to me often.

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John Hope Bryant figured out how to change the world….

The Chairman, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Operation Hope, Inc., John Hope Bryant figured out how to change the world and because of him I am part of the big picture.

Financial literacy is the platform for my company Presidential Lifestyle and for me personally. I teach my clients, friends, family and anyone who will listen that the Presidential Lifestyle is not about spending all the money you have or impressing others, it’s about creating your perfect lifestyle in the most time and cost-effective way possible.

Volunteering with Operation Hope helps me change the world by empowering children economically by teaching them financial principles that will allow them to live their perfect lifestyle correctly. I have always wanted to change the world but I knew I didn’t want to nor could I do it by myself. I am so grateful to work with John Hope Bryant, Tara Dennis, Hope Jay, Nell Patterson, Jay Bailey and the rest of the Atlanta based Operation Hope team.

The best part about volunteering with Operation Hope is everything I need is already in place. I knew I wanted to change the world but I didn’t know how. I didn’t have to figure that out because John Hope Bryant already did that for me. All I had to do was commit to helping, which I have. So, although I am passionate about a lot of causes, I feel that Financial Literacy is the best one for me. If I give my time and energy to Operation Hope the people I help can fix all the other causes in the world. I BELIEVE that is the way the world works. I help someone and then they help someone and so on and so on….Thus changing the world. See it’s easy, and I helped. You can help too.

If you do not already have a platform for giving back consider volunteering with Operation Hope. There are already over 13,000 volunteers nationwide. Maybe with your help we can take the number to 15,000 before the end of the year. It’s possible and it’s needed. 

I figure if we spread the wealth around it won’t be lonely at the top. See you there!

Kine' Corder & John Hope Bryant Chairman of Operation Hope after The Day at the Capitol January 19, 2011

John Hope Bryant talks about the Atlanta Business League on his daily blog.

The Bucket List – “Create Your Perfect Lifestyle” (Step 4 of 12)

Are you familiar with The Bucket List. If not, The Bucket List is the list of things you HAVE to do before you kick the bucket. What I like most about the bucket list is, it is a personal list of your hearts desires. The biggest or smallest of exciting things that make you feel alive. It is not about what others want from you or expect from you, it is what you want from yourself and from life.

Have you ever taken the time to write a bucket list. Well that is the exercise for today. I want you to make a list of as many things as you can think of that you want to do before you kick the bucket. Write as many as you like and go wild with it. The only rule I am going to set is that you have to write at least 10 things. You can think of 10 things you want to do can’t you?

I will give you 10 things I want to do from my bucket list but I should tell you that there were about 60 things on my list. The good thing is I started my list two years ago so I have already crossed off a few. Some of you know that I have been creating my perfect lifestyle for a while. So here are a few things from my list.

1. Dance on Stage with Janet Jackson 2. Fly to a business meeting in a helicopter. 3. Speak French fluently 4. Be on the Cover of a Lifestyle Magazine 5. Fractional Aircraft Ownership 6. Design and sew a dress for myself 7. Celebrate my birthday on a private island 8. Drive a race car 9. Meditate 10. Marry for Love and Money

Some of my things are more simple than the list above but I just wrote down the ones I like the most. Now see what you can come up with. Email me your list or fill out the form below and I will hold you accountable.( If you need more help thinking of things to add to your bucket list go to or they have many fun things listed on their websites that might remind you of what you want to do. I am sure if you search your heart and soul you can think of many things.

Let’s recap the steps we have done so far to CREATE YOUR PERFECT LIFESTYLE: Step 1 was to write down your commitment. Step 2 was to reflect on your accomplishments and write down your biggest accomplishment. step 3 was to write out your perfect work day and off day. Step 4 is to start writing your Bucket List.

I know I have to share my perfect work day and off day with you. I will post that in my next blog. It was too long to add to the Step 3 blog so I omitted it. I will not forget. I want to share my thoughts with you so that you can see how I live. Make sure you subscribe to this blog and tell your friends. Share it on Facebook and Twitter.

Have fun!


This is me in a helicopter on my birthday 2009. Now I need to have my own so I can fly to a business meeting.


Your perfect day “Create Your Perfect Lifestyle” (Step 3 of 12)

In order to CREATE YOUR PERFECT LIFESTYLE you have to first know what that would look like, feel like and be like. Knowing the answers to those questions will help you know when you have actually created your perfect lifestyle. Having it written down makes it easier to identify when it gets here. Of course you will be able to tell because you will smile more, worry less and really laugh out loud.  You will handle problems with ease and you will sleep better at night, but having it written down gives you a visual.

You probably complain daily about the things you don’t like or would change about your life. Today I want you to write while you think about them. And continue to wish for days when you can smile more and worry less and nights when you party hard and sleep silently.  I do not want you to focus on the complaints because you will create more negativity. I want you to focus on the good and the positive that you want to attract into your life. As soon as you think of something you don’t like, quickly change it to the opposite and write down the positive thought.

Step 3 is to write down what your perfect work day and your perfect off day would look like. Use your complaints and your negative thoughts to make your list of positives.  Some of you may want an off day and a work day to be the same day. Maybe you plan to make money while you sleep or have other people working hard while you play hard. If that is realistic for you write down what you would do with your time. Remember you are writing down the life you plan to achieve so do not make it a fairy tale but feel free to dream big if that is what you want. Make it a real life scenario that you can achieve. If you want to garden on the weekends, go shopping, sleep late on work days, take off for your children’s activities, fly helicopters or swim with the dolphins make it a part of your life on paper first. Then one by one start to change your daily tasks and to-dos until you have the life you want. Slow down though, let us take it one step at a time. This is only step 3 in the 12 step program.

When you write your days out be detailed. Describe your ideal days from morning to night. If you would like to be a stay at home mom describe what the new day would look like. What kind of car do you drive, where do your children go to school, who do you hang out with, what are your activities? If you would like to own your own business describe what kind of clients you would have, if you play golf with them, what you eat, what you wear to work, what you do after work, how you make money and if this is a work day next list your off day. If you wish you could travel for work describe what kind of work you do. Talk about what you wear on your work days and your off days. List the type of food you eat and whether you go to restaurants or if you cook or maybe you have a chef. Be sure to mention who is there with you. Do you have a business partner, family, boss or an assistant? Are you in control, are you an executive or are you a team member?

After you write down your perfect off day and work day start to think about the things you need to change in order to make these days happen. Are you close or are you far away? Can you start today on some of the things on your list or do you need to change other things before you can get to the lifestyle you desire?

This exercise is going to take some time and thinking so make sure you mark off time on your calendar to do it ASAP. Really sit down, think it through and write down your perfect work day and off day. When you do this exercise you will have a better idea of what your perfect lifestyle looks and feels like.

Once you can visualize it, you can begin to life it. Start to think about it and slowly put each thing on your list into action until you have created your perfect lifestyle. You have the power to create the perfect day and then do it again and again until it becomes your life. You can do it, I believe in you. If you feel like you need help please email me at and we can set-up a complimentary consultation so that I can assist you.

Subscribe to this blog and you will receive emails when I post the next steps. You can also follow me on twitter @presidentialife and I will follow you back.

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Is this an off day or a work day? You decide!

Step 1 was write out a commitment and sign it. Step 2 was reflect on your accomplishments and write down the story of your biggest accomplishment.

Step 2 of the 12 step program “Create Your Perfect Lifestyle”

Step 2 of the 12 step program is to reflect on your accomplishments. Some of us brag on our accomplishments and some of us forget our accomplishments. It is important to remember them so that we keep our confidence but we do not want to become arrogant. This exercise is not to make you boastful. This exercise is design to keep you motivated and encouraged about your life and choices.

I want you to write down as many of your accomplishments as you can think of. You can go as far back as you would like to go. Even if you want to count that track meet you won back in elementary, that is fine. No matter how big or small you think they are write them down. You do not have to worry about listing them in any order, just write.

Once you have a list you are satisfied with chose one that you consider your biggest accomplishment. Find the one that makes you proud and defines who you are. I am going to tell you my biggest accomplishment. This is the short version of the story though. The long version is in my book THE ART OF STARTING OVER.

While I was working in the barbershop a little boy who stuttered came to get his hair cut. I treat all my clients the same whether they are old, young, male, female, rich, poor, it doesn’t matter. All clients get my full attention and I belong to them during their service. The little boy’s mother told me I didn’t have to listen to him because he talks to much. I jokingly told her it was ok. I was his barber and he pays me to listen to him. So the little boy went on talking and stuttering through his story about his Halloween costume. As he went on the stuttering was getting worse and it seemed almost painful. The woman could not take it anymore and I could see that she was about to tell the little boy to be quite.

Before she could say anything I stopped cutting his hair. I turned his chair around and I said, every word that you have to say to me is important. I want to hear your story. So take a breath, take your time, think about what you want to say and then say it. I am listening. He did what I advised and no lie he told the story about his vampire costume with out stuttering one word. His mother and everyone in the barber was amazed. Including me. I didn’t know that would work. I just wanted him to know he mattered.

After Extreme Makeover I went to speech therapy so that I could learn to speak with my new lips. My teacher told me that same statement. I remembered how it made me feel and I was glad that I could share it. I learned so much from that situation and that is why it is my biggest accomplishment.

I learned something, the little boy learned something, his mother learned something and who knows what other great things came out of that moment. I didn’t receive and award but the feeling in my heart was better than any award I could have received.

Write down your accomplishments and chose the biggest on that has impacted you. When you are down or going in slow motion remember it again and let it inspire you. You are great so act that way everyday.

A background story…How did you get on Extreme Makeover?

One of the first questions people ask me when they find out I was on Extreme Makeover is, “how did I get on the show”. At the time I was pursuing an entertainment career so when my friend Vanessa Jackson heard there was an audition for a TV show she immediately called me to let me know. When I got to the audition I found out what it was really about. As I mentioned a few blog post again I had only a few moments to decide to change my life. Of course at the moment I did not know it was going to be as big a part of my life as it is. I did not go downtown that day to make a decision about getting cosmetic surgery. I went for an audition. I just thought it would be another fun day in the life of Kine’. As usual it was more than I could have imagined.

So once I made the decision to audition and let the producers know that I wasn’t happy with my lips the next step was waiting to find out if I had been selected to move on to the next step in the process. There were 6,000 other people who auditioned for the same opportunity. There is no real explanation for what happen next. Dr. Bill Dorfman, who is now one of my best friends, saw my tape and for some reason he decided that he wanted me to be on the show. He campaigned and fought for me and because of the power and influence he has I was on the show.

So it wasn’t my brains, good looks or anything I said that got me on the show. It was the grace of God, the universe and Bill Dorfman’s smart thinking that all come together at the right time to put me in the perfect place to receive this blessing. RECEIVE being the key word. We have to receive our blessing. They will not be forced on us. We can reject them, which we do many times.

I guess the answer to the question is I got on Extreme Makeover because I receive the blessing that the universe put before me. It just came to me through no action or plan or work of my own. My only job was to accept it. I did my job. I accepted it and God blessed me so greatly it changed my life.

T. Harv Eker taught me this affirmation at one of his seminars and I love it. I believe that we have to share information so I am giving it to you. It goes like this: Universe, if there is anyone out there who does not want their blessing. Please give it to me. I will accept it with great gratitude.

Say that affirmation whenever you feel sad, happy, blessed, lack, whenever you like. Just make sure you say it. I bet you there are people who are blocking their blessings everyday and we can collect those blessings. Don’t miss out. Be in the right place at the right time and receive all your blessings and more.

Be peaceful and productive, be ready for your blessings and just receive them. Be open to the possibilities. I hope this helps you understand how I think and where I am coming from. I would like us all to be blessed. Let’s get our blessings and help each other.

Feel free to subscribe to this blog and to send me feedback so I know your thoughts.

Red carpet at the 2004 ABC winter press tour in Los Angeles.

Step 1 of the 12 step program “Create Your Perfect Lifestyle”

This is step 1 of the 12 step program CREATE YOUR PERFECT LIFESTYLE. I know it seems like we already did step 1 and maybe you believe this is step 5. It can be if you need to see it that way. Remember this is “YOUR” 12 step program so adjust it to whatever fits you best. The main objective is that you reach your goals your way. It is not about me and what works in my life. Although, I am sharing my life with you I do not expect you to copy my every step. I want you to make this your own.

Step 1 is to recite the commitment. In our preliminary work we started on writing the commitment. Now it is time to recite it. If you didn’t get a chance to write down your commitment you can do it now. I will share my commitment with you and you can use it to write yours.

It is important that you read the commitment out loud. When you speak the words they become more real. Reciting the commitment is like taking an oath. When you are taking action your brain begins to process that action into a habit. Being successful is about being activated and consistent. If you look at the most successful recording artist they are either in the studio or on tour or in a magazine or all of the above. Haven’t you noticed the most successful actors are in 2-3 movies, in a commercial, hosting SNL and they do not seem to stop.

How do they do it all. They are committed. They keep going until they can’t anymore. They give more than their best. They give everything they have and then some. They tap into other people’s energy and effort and they do what needs to be done.

Today it is your turn to commit to being the first person in the office and the last person to leave. Commit to not needing an alarm clock because you are so ready to wake up in the morning that you can barely sleep. Commit to helping others or asking for help. Commit to doing what you say you are going to do. Write your commitment, recite your commitment and keep your commitment. I am asking you to do this for me and for you. Together we will get to our next level.

Being successful happens over and over again everyday. One wrong move and you can be back at the bottom, starting over. That is the reality of it. If that actor who was in 3 movies this year decides to only do one next year that decision can cost him/her their success. I am not saying you can’t rest. I just want you to realize that success is about the decisions you make daily.

Here is my commitment. Please hold me accountable. Feel free to use whatever parts inspire you. Add and subtract how you see fit. The commitment you write and recite should have these elements.

  1. Your name
  2. A statement that you are committed and what you are committing to.
  3. State your dedication.
  4. Initial, sign and date the commitment.
  5. A completion date is (optional)

I, Kine’ Corder, commit and promise myself and the people counting on me to take the steps and complete the tasks I need to complete to get to the next level in my life. I understand that starting over takes dedication and courage. I am both dedicated and courageous. I am capable of reaching my goals and I will begin the journey today. I will put forth my best effort and I will keep going even when I feel alone and tired. I know that I am the most caring and highest paid self-help speaker and author and I have to act accordingly. I address the keys to discovering what’s missing in your lifestyle. And I help people attract it into their lives in the most time and cost-effective way possible.

This commitment is of sound mind and not a fly by night emotional decision. It is well thought out and I have considered all the possibilities. I understand that it will take time and that it is a process. I intend to enjoy that process and learn as I go through it. I also promise to share my knowledge so that someone else can succeed the way I have.

I am on my mark, getting ready to go. I am committed. _KC__ (initial)

 Sign: _________________________________________

Date: _______________________

Of course I signed my printed copy. Today I read my commitment out loud for the 10th time. I like rereading it and reciting it because it helps me recommit and mean it. You should do the same. Remember even if you do not have a set plan you can commit to being committed to creating that plan. I am excited for us. Write, read and live your commitment starting today.

I included this picture so that you know I am with you all the way. Remember to keep smiling! Be Peaceful and Productive.